Thursday, July 23, 2015

Celebrities and the art of distraction...

When you flip through your daily newspaper, or watch the nightly news, chances are you have noticed a steady increase in celebrity news, fashion, and gossip filling up the column inches, and crowding out the news.

This has been going on for centuries. In Latin it’s called panem et circenses. Translated, it means ‘bread and circuses’, a phrase made famous by the Roman poet Juvenal circa CE 100. In Roman terms, this phrase refers to the creation of public approval by the ruling class, not by any altruistic or progressive means, but through the use of wonderful distractions and entertainment.

It’s a tried and tested template for keeping the commoners’ point of focus off politics and the economy, and onto the distraction de jour.

Mainstream media has become incredibly adept at reporting the mindless, and the worthless, while completely ignoring the real news. Full story...

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