Thursday, November 25, 2010

A drug that will erase our memory? Serious research or just quack science...

Drug researchers are working on a mind-altering chemical that could erase your memories. It's all being pursued under the umbrella of "mental health" with claims that this could help victims of emotional trauma. The idea that you can "heal" a patient by chemically lobotomizing them is, of course, entirely consistent with the core mythology of modern medicine: If something's wrong, you should poison it, burn it, irradiate it or cut it out... and then pronounce the patient "healed!"

In the case of memory-erasing drugs, scientists are reportedly working on a drug that would remove certain proteins from the brain's "fear center." This is based on the ludicrous idea, by the way, that memories are recorded solely by physical proteins in the brain -- an idea that's obviously based on an entirely outmoded mechanistic model of the human mind and brain. More...

Don't miss:
  1. The Great Swine Flu Hoax of 2009...
  2. Humans will be able to back up their brain...
  3. Chris Rock on doctors and drugs!!!
  4. Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory...
  5. 84% of doctors still sucking up to drug companies...
  6. Chimps vs. humans memory test...

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