Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why did this woman lose her children? Child protection or child abduction?

Nine days ago six policemen, three psychiatric workers and three social workers from the local council arrived outside a house in south London, threatening to beat the door down unless they were given entry. Inside were a mother and her two terrified children, aged nine and 11. Once inside, they removed the mother to a psychiatric hospital under the Mental Health Act, and gave the children to her estranged husband, a solicitor, from whom she parted some years ago because she didn’t consider his promiscuous lifestyle compatible with bringing up two young daughters.

What had this mother done to be robbed of her children and incarcerated alongside psychotics who were drugged to the eyeballs? There is no accusation that she has in any way harmed her daughters, who have been frenziedly texting her asking why they can’t be allowed to come home. More...

Don't miss:

  1. The persecution of Maureen Spalek...
  2. Social services lied and stole my children...
  3. The shameful stories that can’t be told! 
  4. Another adoption scandal in Britain is being covered up...
  5. 10-year old girl stolen from mother who tried to protect her from British paedophiles...

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