Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rwandans turn to yoga for trauma therapy...

Fluorescent sandals litter the entrance to a church on the outskirts of Rwanda's undulating capital Kigali. A coffee-colored river slithers by in the valley below.

On the floor, a dozen middle-aged women sit contorted in knots, wearing puckered expressions which explode into wide smiles, accompanied by a chorus of giggles - a rare spectacle in a culture known for its quiet reservation.

In the dappled gloom Seraphine recounts how, while seeking refuge in a similar church 16 years ago, soldiers beat her with a boy's severed arm - just one of many events which has caused over a decade of paralyzing trauma and depression.

She says yoga helped her deal with the shock of witnessing and surviving genocide. More...

Don't miss:

  1. The man who ordered a church to be bulldozed, with 2000 Rwandans inside...
  2. Emma Thompson and her Rwandan child-soldier son. 
  3. The Rwandan genocide and the Catholic Church that looked the other way...
  4. Prisoners in India get early release if they take yoga lessons!!!
  5. India wants a copyright on yoga...

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