Thursday, August 27, 2009

A conspiracy of silence about swine flu's natural remedy, vitamin D?

It's emblazoned across the front page of USA Today, just underneath a subhead declaring Michael Jackson was, indeed, killed by a drug overdose: "Flu could infect half of USA." The article goes on to describe the predicted number of deaths expected in the U.S. (30,000 - 90,000 Americans) as well as the actions being taken by the government to protect Americans from the coming swine flu pandemic. 

That advice reads sort of like a comic book of health care advice for kindergarteners: Wash your hands, cover your mouth if you cough and let "the grownups" take care of the rest by injecting you with a vaccine. Curiously absent from all the health advice being handed out on the swine flu by the White House, the CDC, the WHO and even the FDA is any mention of Vitamin D or other natural remedies that offer enormous protections from influenza infections. 

The absence of this information from virtually all the advice being handed out to the American public is increasingly suspicious. If a pandemic flu is, indeed, threatening to infect half the U.S. population, and if most of the population is deficient in a nutrient known to strongly prevent influenza infections, wouldn't it make good sense to make a few announcements encouraging Americans to raise their vitamin D levels throughout the coming winter? More...

Don't miss:

  1. Half of Hong Kong health workers reject swine flu shot...
  2. One third of British doctors will not take swine flu vaccine...
  3. German health expert warns against swine flu vaccine...
  4. Swine flu vaccine: voluntary or mandatory?
  5. Swine flu vaccine is dangerous and can seriously damage your health or even kill you...
  6. Why you should avoid taking vaccines...
  7. Do not take a swine flu vaccine...

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