Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Question Box, rural India's Oracle...

Given all the clever people who worked in information technology, and all the enthusiasm they had for its potential to empower ordinary citizens, why didn't more of them come up with ways of taking computers to the people that didn't require millions of dollars, miles of cable and man-hours to realise?

It wasn't an idle inquiry. That same month, in the Indian village of Ethida, several hours' drive from New Delhi, the second Question Box came into being.

Like the first, which had opened in September in Phoolpur, another village in the region, it is, essentially, a large tin with a phone inside, and it does exactly what it says. On pressing a button, you are connected to an operator. You ask her a question, she searches on the internet and then tells you the answer. More...

See also: All about Question Box...

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